The h3e MCCB range offers reliability for incoming protective device or outgoing branch circuit protection.
The style is integrated with the existing hager h3 MCCB range, offering a comprehensive solution for residential, commercial and industrial installation.
With configurations of 3 and 4 pole available from 300A to 800A, h3e MCCBs come with an extensive range of internal and external accessories such as auxiliary contacts, shunt trips, undervoltage releases, terminal kits and rotary handles, to suit any applications.
With configurations of 3 and 4 pole available from 300A to 800A, h3e MCCBs come with an extensive range of internal and external accessories such as auxiliary contacts, shunt trips, undervoltage releases, terminal kits and rotary handles, to suit any applications.

Product Range

Frame size : h400e

- 300A to 400A
- 3 Poles & 4 Poles
- Ue : 415Vac
- Ui : 690Vac
- Breaking capacity @ 415Vac :
Ics = 36KA
- Protection :
Magnetic fixed set @ 10xIn +/- 20%
- Compact dimensions :
Width: 140mm (3P) / 184mm (4P)
Depth: 155mm
Frame size : h800e

- 450A to 800A
- 3 Poles & 4 Poles
- Ue : 415Vac
- Ui : 690Vac
- Breaking capacity @ 415Vac :
Ics = 36KA
- Protection :
Magnetic fixed set @ 10xIn +/- 20%
- Compact dimensions :
Width: 210mm (3P) / 280mm (4P)
Depth: 155mm
Standard accessories
h3e MCCBs are delivered with :
- spreaders for h400e and extended connection for h800e
- extended handle
- interphase barriers for top and bottom terminals
- fixation screws

Internal accessories

- Shunt Trip
- Under Voltage Release
- Auxiliary Contact 2NO + 2NC
- Alarm Contact 1NO + 1NC
- Auxiliary + Alarm 1NO + 1NC / 1NO + 1NC
External Accessories

- Motor mechanism

- Extended rotary handle